Thursday, May 31, 2012

15 Down!

My school week began with me trying on a skirt that I ordered a year ago that was too small. I missed the window of return and so ended up keeping it and was finally able to wear it yesterday!!! Slowly but steadily I've lost about 15 pounds over the last 6 months and it feels good to have tangible changes.  I'm not at my final goal yet but it's now in sight instead of feeling like an overwhelming task.  Yay!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Last night I went out to the local watchfire for Memorial Day.  It's a very poignant and emotional memorial tribute to local fallen soldiers.  There is a ceremony that begins at 11:30 with the local police and fire departments providing an honor guard where the names of fallen soldiers from the Vietnam and Iraq wars are read.  It ends with Taps and a lighting of a HUGE bonfire.  The watchfire serves as a beacon for soldiers to find their way home, literally and figuratively.

I got to see some of Sarges buddies from work who are also veterans.  It was good to connect with those guys and hear how they are thinking of him and us.  Offers to help out and one offer of a wife to talk to before Sarge returns were very sweet and much appreciated.  These guys probably don't talk all that often but they are always there for each other.  It's a friendship and comraderie on a level I will never truly understand but am thankful for.
Army wife wear for a rainy night

Watchfire and Memorial

Our veterans

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Beach Weekend

I was lucky to spend this past weekend with 3 of my girls down at the beach.  It was 2 days of sun and sand and plenty of doing nothing.  We had Mango-ritas, fresh seafood, Kohr Brothers and Bethany BBQ on Saturday and Sunday  We ended our trip with a morning at the outlets, lunch at the Dogfish Head brewpub and then a long, traffic-y drive home last night.  Lots of laughs, great story telling and a good chance to get to know things about each other that we don't talk about at school, happy hours or wine nights.

I am ready for deployment to be over.  This weekend was a much needed escape but when I sat down last night it all hit me.  Reading the posts on Facebook, seeing all the media coverage and being here alone was just too much.  I miss Sarge, I want our life together at home again and I want this to be over.  I am thankful he is safe so far and know that the end is in sight and maybe that's why I'm so easily upset these days but I can't help it.

Today, back to school in an un-airconditioned building when it's supposed to be 90 out.  Yuck.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Completed Concerts!

I have been teaching for 11.5 years and finished up my performances for the most recent last night.  Happy, exhausted and thankful that my kids pulled it off and for the other teachers and musicians who came to play for us.  4 groups in 2 nights....totally wiped me out.

I am really looking forward to the long weekend, I need the time to recover and gear up for the last month of school.  I always think it will be breeze and it never truly is.  Moving up ceremonies, proctoring for finals and a building without air conditioning, all are challenging and put the kids to the test and their teachers.  Goal: stay positive and have fun with the kids as much as I can for the next few weeks while still teaching some music!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

10K Recap

My run turned out a little better than I anticipated though I'm always disappointed that I'm not faster than I am.  Sunday's 10K was pretty good though I'd come up with long list of "reasons" it wasn't before I got to the finish line!  The photo below was from the end of mile 2 and in going through the selection of race photos have realized I am NOT cute when running.  The mile 5 photo (at the same spot) was just unfortunate in many ways!

I started out a little too fast for me and ran the first mile with my friend Niamh in under 10 minutes.  I slowed down at that point and averaged out just over 10:40 which was my goal.  I only wanted to puke once, after picking up a gatorade at mile 3 instead of a water.  Blech!  I really do not like that stuff.  So, 10K in 1:06 and the goal for the next one is to be closer to 10 minute mile average.  Next planned run is a 5K so I'll be focusing on speed the next few weeks.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Concert Music Choices

It's concert week!

This means I have concerts for the next two nights and then I get to breath a little bit.  I have a couple of groups who are completely ready and at least one that I'm still nervous about.

I really like the music I've picked for this semester and that doesn't always happen.  There have definitely been performances where I felt that I NEVER wanted to hear the songs again, I seem to have done a better job of that this year.  Middle school music is tough to choose.  The kids want to sing mostly pop and I want them to sing very little of it.  It's always a struggle to find a balance between keeping them motivated and choosing quality pieces with the musical elements that I want to teach.  8th graders are the most difficult and have the least issue with sharing their view on what they do (and do NOT) want to sing.  They don't always understand that chorus is a class with objectives and learning goals...many think it's a "free period."  Drives me crazy. 

 I've promised the kids a couple of Karaoke days post-concert to sing all the music they would choose if they could and I think that this will be an appropriate post-concert celebration for I go through the lyrics for all of the songs they've suggested!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Graduation Day

The graduate!
 It's official, I have graduated!  (Again)

I now hold a Certificate of Advanced Study in Educational Leadership and NEVER have to go to school again...unless I lose my mind and decided to do something more.  We shall see...right now I just can't wait to begin the next stage of life when Sarge gets home.

A beautiful day for a graduation ceremony

Thanks to the wonders of technology Sarge got to watch the ceremony streamed online in Afghanistan and send me some very cute emails and photos.  I am a very lucky wife!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sooo busy!

This is one of the most challenging weeks of my school's concert prep!  It makes me stressed and cranky, poor Sarge took the brunt of it the other day.  It's complicated this year by a field trip for each of my 3 grade levels, NYSSMA prep for many students and a busy weekend ahead.   (I could rant about NYSSMA for days but will refrain for your sakes.)   Graduation for me  Friday then my 10K Sunday morning and a birthday party that afternoon.  Saturday is clean my house's a disaster here. 

I just want to quit all of it at this point...but that's just not an option.  I can make it, next Thursday I'll be a whole new woman!  So, if I continue to be non-posting until then, I am returning I just don't have any inspiration that would be appropriate.  All good things ahead, just too many in one week!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

To my mom, my mother-in-law, Granny and all moms, happy Mother's Day!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Marathon Memories

I was so happy!

I was cleaning up files on my computer yesterday and found my marathon pics.  San Diego Rock 'N' Roll in much has changed in the last 4 years!

I am pretty sure I have never shared these, mostly because they are AWFUL.  But, I got a kick out of looking at them and remembering how insane that whole experience was.  Seriously, I ran 26.2 miles...what was I thinking????  But, I finished and there is proof.

So have a little chuckle with me.  I actually gained weight during the training and these pics are hysterical and something I am very proud of. 

My goodness, that singlet is NOT flattering

I did finish!

They gave me a medal and then took the most awful pic ever.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Celebrate Saturday!

Happy Birthday Erin!

Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

Happy Derby Day!

Who are you betting on in the Derby?  I pick my horses almost entirely by their names.  I think I'm set with I'll Have Another which I thought referred to wine.  I saw this morning that it was because the owner's wife makes awesome chocolate chip cookies and he always says "I'll have another."  Wine, cookies...both great reasons for choosing a horse, don't you think?

It's a super Saturday for celebrating, most of which I'm spending doing housework.  I have some work to do around the house that I have been procrastinating so I'm going to get moving on a lot of that. 

I am finally finishing the spruce up we started on the bathroom a year ago and am tempted to paint our living room.  It's a very basic cream right now and I want some color but it's so big that I'm scared.  We shall see, I may get brave before the end of the weekend.

Happy Saturday!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Whooooole Chicken: Part 2

BBQ Nachos!
Last Friday night was a great night out with my school buddies.  I am so fortunate to have found people that I work with that I can also count as friends outside of work.  I think that's a rarity. 

We returned to the scene of the WHOOOOLE chicken (Holy Smokes in Mahopac), though none of us ordered it.  I still ended up ordering a meal that was enough to feed me 3 times.  But I got some great photos and had a good night out. 

Beer sampler

Big boy smiles

Because this was their dinner
Worst picture ever of all the girls...but the only one I have

smoked chorizo, pulled pork, mac & cheese and creamy spinach