Running Stuff

So, I am hoping to start tracking some of my running goals/achievements here.  Not sure how that's all going to work yet so keep checking back and eventually I'll figure out how to make it happen the way I want.  Perhaps not the running, but the technology part of this at least!

March 12th:  5K, 35 minutes.  great weather, very hilly run
I updated my running music a couple of weeks ago and minus one song that was too slow, I'm pretty happy.  I seem to be on a country/rock kick...

Been out for two weeks with a pinched nerve in my neck, ouch!  I've been walking but no running allowed.
March 25th: 5 mile jog in 55:20.  Yay!!  Nasty hill at the end of mile 4 into 5 that I had to walk and I walked almost .75 miles to cool down after my 5 miles so I was out for over an hour.  The weather was grey and rainy and it was PERFECT.  New sneakers, too!

March 31st: 6 miles in Little Falls, NY.  The first 5 were in 54:56 and I took my time on the last mile for a total of an hour and 6 minutes.

April 10, 11 & 13: 3 mile jogs each day.  Nothing spectacular, but the first week I've made all of the runs I'd planned for so that's my accomplishment.  Next stop...doing the same thing every week until my 10K.

April 14th: 5 miles in 60 minutes...UGH.  The first three miles went smoothly enough and then I hit a wall and just couldn't get back into my stride after the hateful hill from March 25th that is actually at the beginning of mile 4.  Oh, and that extra .75 from the 25th was because my Nike+ wasn't calibrated, oops!  It was hot and I was (obviously) struggling.

April 28th:8 Miles in 90-100 minutes.  I really am the slowest human being!  But, the run felt good and I'd go as far to say that I enjoyed it.  There was that hill I hate at about mile 6 instead of at 4 and I made it all the way to the top.  But then I couldn't really get moving up the next, more gentle, incline.  This after a week were I did 3 on Tuesday and  5.5 on Thursday is good stuff!

Me before the GWB run in honor of my brother-in-law