Saturday, July 23, 2011

Harry Potter

So last night I went with  my sister Erin and her husband to see the final Harry Potter movie.  They have watched and read right along with me since they were in college and I was student teaching.  Now, the movie made me cry more than once but this morning it's inspired a reflection on the last 10 years since I started reading the books.

The books were introduced to me while I was student teaching in an elementary school in Shendendehowa, NY.  I was hooked from the beginning and at the time the 4th book had only just come out.  Since then, I have taught in 7 schools in 3 districts in 2 different states.  I am at MA +57 with 60 right around the corner.  I have taught more kids than names I will ever be able to remember.  I am starting an internship that may lead me on a path towards administration...or away from it. 

I have finally found a healthy, happy relationship.  There was some trial and error along the way, and a few times that I vowed to give up and just be single forever because dating can be so absolutely horrific.  I am now married to a man with great integrity, a huge heart and who makes my heart flutter when I see him.  That smile makes me melt!  (P.S. We got to Skype last night, he's doing pretty well.  He was fixing computers for people and working on an excel spreadsheet for someone.  Some things never change.)

I have more true friends now than ever.  There was a very low point when I moved back to NY and I had a hard time finding where I wanted to be socially.  It's taken years and some failures along the way but I can say that I now have a solid group of friends who can count on me and I can rely on.

There have been constants along the way, my amazing family, my friend Michelle and "the girls" from HS.  I knew that even though we were separated by miles at times that we were always there for each other.  I was lucky for that and know they were integral to making it this far. Now, let's see where the next decade leads!

Oh, and yes, I LOVED the movie.

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