Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Another Day Off...

Home from school again.  Now, as much as I enjoy a day off and can say that catching up on sleep was awesome I'm worried.  I don't want to have to to give back days in the spring if we have more snow during the winter.  I don't want to go to school when the roads are crappy either.  That being said, I'm going to make today a fun day.  Gym this morning, some girl time this afternoon, maybe a mani-pedi and probably sushi for dinner. 

I would like to go through my closet and start creating new outfits from what I already have.  My friend Karin did this before the school year started and took pics of everything she assembled.  It was a really cute idea and since I am currently looking at a full closet and feeling like I have nothing to wear, I know I need to do the same!
I just read (from my sister's twitter) that today is SELF day.  Is going to the gym and then getting together with my friends Selfy?  I know they are both good for me in different ways.  So, time to get off the couch and get moving!

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